Do I really need another social media presence? Maybe, maybe not. But about 4 months ago I signed up for a limited beta of a new photo sharing app. Foto is still under development, and so far only available on mobile devices. Their beta program is currently capped out in terms of users. After signing up for it I didn’t really do anything with it for months, sort of wasting that slot in their beta program. But recently my thoughts on social media, and photo sharing have crystallized around detangling myself from algorithm-driven social media platforms. When I first started getting serious about photography, I was really active on Flickr. The photo on this post was one of my favorites from those days. I learned a ton about photography, and met some really good friends through Flickr. Then I put my cameras aside for about 10 years for various reasons. When I go back to Flickr now, it just doesn’t resonate with me the same way. As I’m getting back into photography n...