snow day

I’m making a concerted effort to get out and shoot on a regular basis, regardless of other distractions that might get in the way. Even if it means just going out in our backyard.
We got our first significant snow of the 2024-25 winter over the last 24 hours. Almost 8 inches just south of Indianapolis.
After taking care of our driveway this morning, and those of two elderly neighbors, and a short well deserved nap, I decided to head out to the back of our property to take some photos of the remnants of native plants in the snow. I had planned on going out to a local park to shoot, but most of our county was under a travel warning, limiting all non-essential travel for most of the day.
I’m happy with these results, post-processed to give high-key images that I think do a good job of reflecting the mood of freshly fallen snow.